All-school meetings of the faculty and staff are held at least once per semester. The dean will schedule the meetings and set the agenda, in consultation with division chairs, committee chairs, associate/assistant deans and others, as appropriate, and preside over the meeting. The purpose of these meetings is to inform faculty/staff about issues facing the school; to receive reports and discuss recommendations from various school committees, other groups, or individuals; to determine new or modify existing school policies and procedures; and to decide on all items requiring a faculty vote. For decisions requiring departmental (school) faculty oversight, academic and classified staff are invited to attend and participate in discussions at faculty/staff meetings and retreats, but do not vote.
The dean may determine that a faculty/staff meeting shall be held entirely or partially by electronic or other communications means so long as the electronic or other communications facilities provide for simultaneous aural communication among all members equivalent to those held in one room or area. These electronic meetings of the department or executive committee shall be subject to all rules adopted by the department to govern them, which may include any reasonable limitations on, and requirements for, members’ participation. A person participating in a meeting by such means is deemed to be present at the meeting and votes taken at such a meeting fulfill any requirement that a vote be cast. (FPP 3.04.C)