1. Research
If research is the candidate’s area of emphasis, evidence must be presented that the candidate has been significantly involved in research that may include, but not limited to, either basic, translational, clinical, or educational/health outcomes work. The candidate should have an independent research program with a cohesive theme.
Examples of accomplishment will likely include:
- Being first or corresponding author on publications in peer-reviewed pharmacy/medical/scientific journals
- Presentation of research at pharmacy/medical/scientific meetings or health-care institutions.
- Evidence of ongoing application for extramural funding (e.g. grant submissions)
- Extramural, and/or competitive UW funding awards
- Serving as a referee/reviewer for journals within one’s discipline
Additional examples may include:
- Appointment to federal or foundation grant review panels
- Appointment to editorial boards of peer-reviewed professional/scientific journals
2. Clinical Practice
If clinical activity is the candidate’s area of emphasis, evidence must be presented that the candidate has introduced new or unique clinical services, approaches, or techniques. Promotion based on clinical activity requires demonstration of achievement.
Examples of accomplishment will likely include:
- Being first, or corresponding author of clinical review papers, evidence-based guidelines, case reports, invited editorials, or book chapters in pharmacy/medical or scientific textbooks.
- Introduction and evaluation of new clinical services, approaches, or techniques.
- Establishment or implementation of a service or practice model that has demonstrated improved or more efficient patient care.
- Invitations to share advancements in patient/population care approaches with outside institutions.
- Presentation of patient/population care innovations at regional, national, or international meetings or symposia.
- Invitations to speak at other universities/colleges, or other health-care institutions.
- Serving as a referee/reviewer for journals within one’s discipline.
Additional examples may include:
- Development of a pharmacy service that generates revenue.
- Appointment to editorial board of peer-reviewed clinical journals.
- Board certification.
- Active participation in clinical trials that advance care.
3. Teaching
If teaching is the candidate’s area of emphasis, evidence must be presented that the candidate has developed and/or demonstrated exceptional teaching.
Examples of excellence in teaching will likely include:
- Being first or corresponding author on peer-reviewed articles related to teaching.
- Development of a new curriculum, course (didactic or experiential), seminar, or workshop in undergraduate, graduate, or continuing pharmacy education.
- Creation of novel or unique teaching methodologies or tools.
- Establishment of a community program or partnership to further health or medical education.
- Creation and evaluation of novel teaching/learning evaluation method or tool.
- Invitations to teach at conferences or continuing education programs.
- Presentation of teaching innovations at national or international educational meetings.
- Evidence of sustained efforts to obtain intra- or extramural funding for research related to didactic or experiential teaching.
- Fellowship in the University of Wisconsin Teaching Academy.
- Appointment to editorial board of teaching-focused professional journals.
- Teaching awards.
- Serving as a referee/reviewer for journals within one’s discipline.
- Excellent teaching evaluations from students and/or peers.
- Obtaining intellectual property on novel teaching/instruction method or materials.
4. Leadership in Service, Administration, and/or Institutional Program Development
If leadership in service, administration, and/or institutional program development is the candidate’s area of excellence or area of significant accomplishment, evidence must be provided to document truly exceptional leadership that has furthered the academic mission of the School of Pharmacy. Please note that committee membership, professional service and administrative duties are expected of all CHS faculty, and routine activities in this area do not meet the criteria for “exceptional leadership” as a basis for promotion.
Examples of excellence in academic leadership will likely include:
- Leadership roles in professional (professional, academic, scientific or clinical) service organizations.
- Leadership roles in School of Pharmacy or university committees.
- Professional leadership in local, state, regional, or national service or governmental units.
- Present and past appointments or election to office in regional, or national pharmacy and health care/scientific societies or advisory boards.
- The creation or development of a program deemed critical by the School of Pharmacy.
- Presentation of leadership innovations at national or international educational meetings.
- Being first or senior author on peer-reviewed articles related to academic administration or program development.
- Serving as a referee/reviewer for journals within one’s discipline.