Clinical Adjunct Assistant/Associate/Professor ranks
(< 50% FTE)
Reviewed and Approved by Pharmacy Practice and Translational Research Division 09/07/2022 and Approved by the UW-SoP Executive Committee on 11/08/2022
These broad guidelines are intended to provide a measure of uniformity for appointments and promotions of Clinical Adjunct Track (CAT) faculty at the UW School of Pharmacy. It is the expectation that candidates will be primarily engaged in either patient care or other clinical activities.
Excellence in clinical practice and in didactic and experiential teaching will be the primary metrics for promotion in this rank. Additionally, individuals in this track will also provide evidence of service commitments to the School of Pharmacy.
The usual clinical adjunct track Faculty appointment is at the level of Clinical Instructor for practitioners who participate in School of Pharmacy teaching activities primarily in the experiential programs. Those CAT faculty who participate in additional teaching activities, such as course development and coordination, lectures in School of Pharmacy courses, or service on School of Pharmacy committees, may be considered for appointment or promotion to the Clinical Adjunct Assistant Professor, Clinical Adjunct Associate Professor, and Clinical Adjunct Professor levels.
Appointments at the Clinical Adjunct Assistant Professor, Clinical Adjunct Associate Professor, and Clinical Adjunct Professor levels are renewed annually, AND these individuals’ teaching activities will be reviewed by the Pharmacy Practice and Translational Research Division every three years. In the event that the CAT faculty’s participation in School of Pharmacy teaching programs changes, the level of appointment may be adjusted or allowed to expire, as appropriate.
I. The Process for Appointment and Promotion
- Appointment to the rank of Clinical Adjunct Assistant Professor must be awarded by the School of Pharmacy Executive Committee.
- For Clinical Adjunct Assistant Professors who are being considered for promotion to the rank of Clinical Adjunct Associate Professor or Clinical Adjunct Professor, a mentoring committee will be appointed by the Dean.
- Decisions regarding promotion of CAT track faculty to ranks of Clinical Adjunct Associate Professor or Clinical Adjunct Professor will be made by the School of Pharmacy Executive Committee.
- All nominations and oversight for appointment and promotion will be approved by the Dean.
For all Appointments and Promotions, candidates will submit the following materials necessary for consideration of appointment or promotion:
- Current CV
- Personal statement of his/her experience and qualifications
- Two letters of support
- One letter from pharmacist/clinician colleague in their area of specialty, and
- One letter of support from UW School of Pharmacy CHS or tenure track faculty member
Letters of Support
Evidence of excellence in discharge of clinical responsibilities, particularly patient care, or engagement in pharmacy/health care administration should be demonstrated with letters as outlined above. Letters should compare the quality of the candidate with other faculty of similar rank and experience. The chair of the candidate’s mentoring committee will provide a brief description of the stature and qualifications of each evaluator and a copy of the letter requesting evaluation.
II. Promotion to Clinical Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Candidates for appointment/promotion at this rank should have been in clinical practice or an administrative position and have held the rank of Clinical Instructor (or equivalent if from another academic institution, or department) for at least THREE years.
- Emphasis for promotion will be placed on documented excellence in clinical practice (or pharmacy administration), teaching (both practice-based and in-house School of Pharmacy), and service to the School of Pharmacy. The recommendation and documentation for each candidate will be reviewed using the criteria below as they pertain to clinical responsibilities, pharmacy education and service, if applicable (e.g. administrative assignments, clinical research/investigative collaborative activities, etc.).
- Criteria for Promotion/Appointment. At a minimum, individuals seeking promotion from Clinical Instructor to Clinical Adjunct Assistant Professor should demonstrate clear commitment to and active engagement with the Doctor of Pharmacy professional curriculum within the UW School of Pharmacy. In addition to precepting, Doctor of Pharmacy students during experiential clerkships, there is an expectation of participation in teaching within the School of Pharmacy. Examples of this engagement might include providing lectures, participation in laboratory or discussion sessions, or substantive course administrative responsibilities such as course coordination. Additional factors that will be considered include significant service activities within the School of Pharmacy (e.g., committee appointments, participation in admission interviews, active participation in student organizations, etc.), as well as evidence of collaborative scholarly activities with School of Pharmacy faculty.
III. Promotion to Clinical Adjunct Associate Professor
- The candidate should have been in clinical practice or pharmacy/health care administration and have held the rank of Clinical Adjunct Assistant professor (or equivalent if from another academic institution, or department) for a minimum of FIVE years.
- Emphasis for promotion will be placed on documented excellence in clinical practice or pharmacy/health care administration, and substantial engagement in teaching (practice-based and in-house School of Pharmacy), and service to the School of Pharmacy. The recommendation and documentation for each candidate will be reviewed using the criteria below as they pertain to activities in clinical/administrative responsibilities, pharmacy education, and service (e.g. administrative assignments, clinical research/investigative collaborative activities, etc.).
- Candidates should provide evidence of significant accomplishment in a secondary area.
- Education: Teaching in the Doctor of Pharmacy program, in conjunction with clinical responsibilities, is an important role for clinical adjunct track faculty. The quantity and quality of teaching, as well as any administrative responsibility for educational programs, should be documented. Likewise, any teaching within the School of Pharmacy (lecturing, leading of discussion sections, etc.) should be documented.
- Service: Supporting the school of pharmacy through service on committees, outreach activities, (e.g., School of Pharmacy committees; volunteer and outreach services; community and allied health lectures/presentations; involvement in local, state, regional, or international medical and/or professional organizations).
- Other Service: (e.g., administrative assignments; clinical research/investigative collaborative activities, etc.)
- Unlike CHS appointments, evidence of scholarship (e.g., publications, extramural funding, etc.) is not required, but is strongly encouraged.
IV. Promotion to Clinical Adjunct Professor
Emphasis in consideration of promotion to Clinical Adjunct Professor will be principally based on the candidate’s active, sustained contributions (e.g., committee participation, experiential and/or didactic teaching, student mentoring, etc.) to the School of Pharmacy and Doctor of Pharmacy program since the time of appointment or promotion to Clinical Adjunct Associate Professor rank. Documentation must include evidence that the candidate has continued to grow in and achieve national stature and distinguish him/herself in their clinical service and in related activities. The candidate should have been in clinical practice (or supporting clinical practice directly or through administration, research, or other suitable positions) for more than five years and has displayed excellence in one or more of the domains described previously.