Faculty appointments to the SAS Division are tenure track appointments and policies regarding appointments are according to the University of Wisconsin–Madison Faculty Policies and Procedures (FPP), Chap. 7.01-7.32.
Faculty titles include assistant professor, associate professor, or professor. Qualifications of individuals appointed at the associate professor or professor must meet the corresponding title criteria.
Faculty members in the SAS Division typically will be members of the Social Studies or Arts and Humanities Division of the UW–Madison.
Letters of Appointment
Each initial letter of appointment must include a statement that carefully delineates the conditions and expectations of the appointment. Each letter of appointment for assistant professors must include the appointment period and the date by which decisions regarding promotion with tenure or non-retention must be made. Each letter must delineate the amount (i.e. years) of probationary or tenure service credit received and the length of the probationary period.
Calculation of Probationary Period
The maximum probationary period is seven years (FPP 7.04A). Prior probationary or tenure service at another institution (e.g. an appointment as a faculty member) may be excluded in calculating the maximum probationary period by mutual agreement of the dean, the Executive Committee of the School of Pharmacy, and the individual concerned. Legitimate reasons for obtaining an extension of the probationary period are stipulated in FPP Chapter 7.04 H and I.