The following conditions govern the sabbatical program:
- A faculty member may receive and is encouraged to seek supplementary grants or other awards while on sabbatical, but such compensation, when combined with the amount of institutional compensation, shall not exceed the full compensation normally received from the UW System for that period. However, the faculty member may seek additional support specifically for travel or unusual living expenses incident to the sabbatical program without restriction by the full compensation maximum. If, however, the additional support is from UW–Madison funds, the request must state the source of the additional funding, and the funding chosen must permit the types of expenses anticipated. THE DEAN MUST APPROVE THE REQUEST PRIOR TO THE BEGINNING OF THE SABBATICAL. The Dean has the discretion to approve or deny the request. In the sabbatical application, the faculty must specify all grants or other awards applied for that are intended for use during the period of the sabbatical.
- Such additional grants or awards may be received by the faculty member only if the conditions for accepting the additional resources do not interfere with the stated purposes of a faculty member’s sabbatical program.
- A faculty member may not use the sabbatical to accept other paid employment during the period of the leave unless it has been stipulated in the application for the sabbatical and agreed to by the Dean/Director. If so stipulated, #3 applies.
- A faculty member must agree to return to UW–Madison for at least one academic year of service after the conclusion of the sabbatical, or repay any compensation (salary, plus the University’s share of fringe benefits) received from the UW System during the sabbatical. (This condition will be interpreted to mean that the faculty shall be in residence as a fulltime faculty member at UW–Madison for at least one academic year after the leave in order that the results and benefits of the sabbatical experience can be shared with colleagues and students.) A faculty member must also be more than two years from planned date of retirement following the sabbatical period.
- Within three months of returning to UW–Madison, a faculty member must submit to the Department Chair, Dean’s/Director’s office, and the UW–Madison Provost (attention Phoua Holt, 117 Bascom Hall) a written report outlining the accomplishments and it must specifically explain how instruction was enhanced during the sabbatical leave (2-3 pages). CHS faculty will submit a written report directly to the Dean. NOTE: Fall sabbatical reports are due March 31; Spring and Academic Year sabbatical reports are due August 31.
- Each faculty member must fill out, sign, and submit with the application the Compensation Form and Agreement Form.