SKIP TO: Procedures | Proposed Wording for Course Syllabus | Proposed Email Wording
- Self-identify as a faculty coordinator of a required course (all divisions).
- Determine the milestones to be used to assess student proficiency/competency. These milestones can be your Outcome Tracker items or can be those items plus other milestones that you deem appropriate. For example, exam performance, project scores, presentations, papers, etc.
- Establish the performance (score) threshold for your milestones that would trigger an early warning and intervention.
- Advisors shall email their student cohorts no later than the end of the first week of the semester making students aware of the Early Warning and Intervention and remediation policies
- Communicate milestones to your students (best to include in syllabus). In particular, level of performance that would earn the student a grade less than “C”.
- After each major assessment milestone (e.g., exams, projects, written assignments, COPS hours), the course coordinator shall review student performance.Students should be encouraged to self-report if they are having difficulty with the course and are concerned that they could be at risk of earning a grade less than “C”.
- The course coordinator shall send the list of students who are at risk of earning a grade less than “C” in the course to the corresponding class advisor.
- The advisor shall email (see proposed language below) each student to arrange a meeting with each student to identify learning needs and begin developing an intervention plan. The role of the advisor would not be content-centric, but would be related to factors such as study habits, personal issues, etc.
- The student shall meet with the course coordinator (preferably before the next milestone) to review content and develop a written intervention plan that would focus on strategies for re-learning or reinforcing course content. For example, problem sets, additional reading, discussing content with the faculty member responsible for the content, a content tutor, etc.
- The student shall finalize the intervention plan, with assistance from the advisor and course coordinator, and send the finalized intervention plan to the student advisor to indicate the student’s individual commitment to the plan.
- The advisor shall monitor the student’s course performance for improvement. It would be reasonable to establish a check-in schedule.
- If the student’s performance does not improve (most likely identified at the next course milestone), the advisor shall schedule a meeting with the student and course coordinator to discuss challenges the student may be facing and the student’s adherence to the intervention plan.
- If a student’s performance warrants the early warning and intervention procedure three times (either within the same semester or across semesters), the student is required to meet with the Student Promotion and Review Committee (SPC). (Note: The threshold for meeting with SPARC will ultimately be determined by SPARC
- In the event the student ultimately earns a failing grade and meets eligibility for course remediation, the course coordinator will enter a grade of “IF” when grades are reported to the Registrar’s office.
- The “IF” grade will initiate the remediation policy and process.
Proposed Wording for the Course Syllabus
Early Warning and Intervention Policy for course [insert course name]. The UW–Madison School of Pharmacy has instituted a pilot trial of an Early Warning and Intervention Policy that applies to required courses. The policy is intended to identify students who may be at risk for earning a final course grade of a “C” or lower. The intent of the policy is to help students identify strategies and implement interventions that may improve student performance and prevent a failing grade as determined by course standards. The early warning and intervention policy is not intended for students who wish to raise their grade, but are not in jeopardy of failing a course. The course coordinator will monitor student performance throughout the course using the following milestones: [Course coordinator will provide the milestones to be used in the course]. Students who earn a score that represents underperformance on a milestone will be reported to the appropriate class advisor. This report triggers the intervention plan procedures outlined in the Early Warning and Intervention Policy (see policy). Students are encouraged to self-report to the course coordinator or student advisor if they are having difficulty with course content and believe that they may be at risk of earning a grade less than “C”.
Proposed Email Wording
From advisors: Dear [Student], Your course coordinator for [insert course name] has informed me that you may be at risk for not successfully passing this course. As a part of our new Early Warning Intervention system, I would like to encourage you to set up a time to meet with me to discuss study habits, time-management and other strategies for academic success. I would also encourage you to contact your course coordinator to arrange a time to meet with him/her as well. In order to set up a time to meet with me, please stop by the SAA Office or call the SAA office front desk (608-262-6234) and make an appointment over the phone. I look forward to meeting with you. From Faculty/Course Coordinator: Dear [Student], I am reaching out to let you know that after this past [insert course assessment] you may be at risk for not successfully passing this course. As a part of our new Early Warning and Intervention system, I would like to encourage you to set up a time to meet with me to discuss this latest assessment and strategies for improvement moving forward. I would also encourage you to meet with your class advisor to discuss study habits, time management and other helpful tips for academic success. Please set up a time to meet with me in the next week or two.