Initial Appointments
Faculty appointments in DPPD may take one of two forms: (1) assistant, associate, full professor on the tenure track; (2) instructor, assistant, associate, full professor on the Center for Health Sciences (CHS) Clinical Track. Due to the nature /scope of expectations for faculty in DPPD and their outreach activities, the CHS track will be the most common a venue for appointment and this “Guideline Document” will focus on that track . Should a decision be made to pursue appointment on the tenure track, UW–Madison (Chapter 7.01 – 7.32) as well as School of Pharmacy guidelines/policies should be reviewed/followed within the context of an outreach expectation/focus/mission.
Center for Health Sciences (CHS) Track
Appointment on the CHS Clinical Track is governed by University of Wisconsin–Madison Academic Staff Policies and Procedures (ASPP) and this policy statement. Initial appointments as Instructor (CHS) are normally for up to two years, with the expectation of promotion to assistant professor (CHS) thereafter. Initial appointments for assistant professor (CHS) normally are for up to three years, with annual renewal thereafter. Any changes in the terms of the original appointment will be stated in a reappointment letter. Initial appointments for Associate Professor (CHS) and Professor (CHS) normally are for up to five years, with annual renewal thereafter. At the discretion of the Executive Committee – and at the recommendation of DPPD – individuals holding the rank of associate professor (CHS) and Professor (CHS) may be recommended for indefinite appointment status. The unique nature of DPPD’s self-support in conjunction with DPPD budgetary status at the time of recommendation for indefinite appointment may be taken into consideration in the indefinite appointment decision.
Faculty members with 100% appointment at the rank of assistant professor (CHS) normally have six years in which to attain promotion to associate professor (CHS). If, after six years at the rank of assistant professor (CHS), the individual has not been promoted to associate professor (CHS), the school and the individual should mutually evaluate their agreements and expectations. A plan should then be developed under which the individual would merit consideration for promotion to associate professor (CHS) within two additional years, or the appointment will not be renewed.
Faculty members with <100% appointment at the rank of assistant professor (CHS) have up to ten years in which to attain promotion to associate professor (CHS). The length of the probationary period for <100% appointment will be determined by the Executive Committee based on a recommendation by DPPD, and will be described in the letter of appointment.
An assistant professor (CHS) who has not been promoted to associate professor (CHS) by the end of the probationary period as described above must be given a one-year notice of non-renewal of his/her CHS track appointment.
Expectations of Faculty
It is expected that all faculty members will have outreach teaching (as defined / outlined below) as their primary responsibility. However, it is also expected there will be contributions to the remaining three categories (business development, LAS, and scholarly activity). Ultimately, faculty members will be expected to achieve excellence in one of the four areas with significant accomplishment in a second area. Regardless of the strength of a candidate’s activities in their area of major focus, a scholarly approach resulting in documented impact/outcome s is necessary for promotion. Although it is not possible to provide precise criteria for all potential promotions, these guidelines will assist faculty candidates and their mentoring committees in preparation for promotion, and external reviewers who are asked to review candidates. In the hiring process, potential faculty must be advised of expectations relative to outreach teaching, business development, LAS and scholarly activity.
Faculty Mentoring Committee
At the time of appointment, in consultation with the DPPD division chair, the dean of the School of Pharmacy will prepare a letter outlining expectations relative to DPPD guidelines for faculty appointment and promotion (i.e., outreach teaching, business development, LAS, and scholarly activity ). Within three months of the initial appointment, the dean will appoint a mentoring committee in consultation with DPPD leadership and the faculty hire . The committee would normally consist of a minimum of three and maximum of five faculty members . To the extent possible, committee members would consist of faculty who are tenured or have an indefinite appointment and have a rank greater than the faculty mentee; further, unless there are extenuating circumstances, the chair of the mentoring committee should be from DPPD and, as stated above, will have tenure or an indefinite appointment. At any point in time, DPPD faculty composition/rank may contribute to variations in composition as well as chair of the mentoring committee. Other committee members may be from other divisions within the School of Pharmacy or may be from other units, departments, divisions , or schools within UW– Madison. The charge to the mentoring committee is to: review expectations relative to outreach teaching, business development, LAS, and scholarly activity, as well as to provide guidelines for percent of time to be devoted to each category to provide a benchmark for subsequent mentoring and performance evaluations; meet with the mentee not less than once annually; identify any concerns either the mentee or the mentors may have; provide advice; and set goals and time lines to facilitate the mentee’s academic and professional career with an eye toward promotion. Mentoring committee membership may change over time at the request of the mentee and/or recommendation of the mentoring committee chair.