Instructor (CHS), Assistant Professor (CHS), Associate Professor (CHS), and Professor (CHS)
Appointment policies governed by:
University of Wisconsin-Madison Academic Staff Policies and Procedures (ASPP) and this policy statement.
Appointments at 50% time or more may be made to the CHS track for individuals with responsibility for scholarly achievement in two or more of the following areas of endeavor: teaching, research, and service. Such appointments require Executive Committee approval. CHS faculty are expected to demonstrate ongoing, independent creativity and productivity in original scholarship that is published in peer-reviewed journals.
Initial appointments as Instructor (CHS) are normally for up to two years, with the expectation of promotion to Assistant Professor (CHS) thereafter. Initial appointments for Assistant Professor (CHS) are normally for up to three years, with annual renewal thereafter. Any changes in the terms of the original appointment will be stated in the reappointment letter. Initial appointments for Associate Professor (CHS) and Professor (CHS) are normally for up to five years, with annual renewal thereafter. At the discretion of the Executive Committee, individuals holding the rank of Associate Professor (CHS) and Professor (CHS) may be recommended for indefinite appointment status.
Letters of Appointment:
Each initial letter of appointment must include a statement that carefully delineates the conditions and expectations of the appointment. Each letter must include the appointment period and the date by which decisions regarding promotion or non-retention must be made.
A copy of this policy statement must be provided to the candidate with the initial letter of appointment.
Calculation of Probationary Period:
Faculty members with 100% appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor (CHS) have six years in which to attain promotion to Associate Professor (CHS). If, after six years at the rank of Assistant Professor (CHS), the individual has not been promoted to Associate Professor (CHS), the school and the individual should mutually evaluate their agreements and expectations. A plan shoul d be developed under which the individual would merit consideration for promotion to Associate Professor (CHS) within two additional years, or the appointment will not be renewed.
Faculty members with <100% appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor (CHS) have up to ten years in which to attain promotion to Associate Professor (CHS). The length of the probationary period for <100% appointment will be determined by the Executive Committee, and will be described in the letter of appointment.
Prior service at this or other institutions at 50% or greater time in a probationary rank will be considered in determining the amount of time remaining in which to attain promotion. Any such prior service, not to exceed three years, will be subtracted from the normal probationary period unless programmatic circumstances can be documented to justify otherwise. Persons moving into the CHS track from the equivalent of a Lecturer track appointment will not have any deductions from their probationary period.
An Assistant Professor (CHS) who has not been promoted to Associate Professor (CHS) by the end of the probationary period described above must be given a one-year notice of non- renewal of his/her CHS track appointment.
The promotion of an Assistant Professor (CHS) must occur within the time limits stated above under Calculation of Probationary Period. A Mentorship Committee will be appointed by the Dean for each Assistant Professor within 3 months of the faculty member’s arrival. This committee will include at least one tenured faculty member. Although the membership of the Mentorship Committee is not expected to change over time, its composition can be changed at any time by the Dean. It is acceptable and appropriate for the mentor ed faculty member to be permitted to petition the Dean for modification of the Committee’s membership.