The Business Office in the School of Pharmacy (Rm 1203) assists with interpreting travel policy, payments in some instances, and approving/auditing E-reimbursements.
It is the responsibility of the traveler to understand and comply with UW Travel policies! Please acquaint yourself.
Contact the Travel Coordinator or your travel alternate to discuss your upcoming travel to ensure adherence to policy and maximum reimbursement of travel expenses. Travel alternates are:
Information and Questions
Contact the Travel Coordinator or your travel alternate to discuss your upcoming travel to ensure adherence to policy and maximum reimbursement of travel expenses. Travel alternates are:
- Kristen Huset – SAS Division
- Rachel Hoffman – PPTR Division
- Lindsey Weigel – Student & Academic Affairs
- Jasmine Loving – Dean’s Office and support staff
- Pam French – DPPD
Enter another employee as a E-reimbursement Alternate
- Step-by-step instructions on how to add an e-reimbersment alternate
Booking Hotel, Flight and Registration
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Booking Your Hotel
- The best way to book your hotel is through the blocked rooms reserved for your event/conference. May use hotels listed on conference website – not just “conference” hotel.
- Lodging must be booked through the hotel directly, Fox World Travel, or the conference website. NO .COM vendors such as Expedia, Travelocity, etc.
- AirBnB is an allowable vendor as of July 1, 2020.
- When booking AirBnB, use the work trip toggle to get a list of properties that have safety devices like smoke and carbon monoxide alarms.
- Lodging rate limits do not apply to externally arranged conference lodging if staying at the conference location or any conference recommended hotel. (The State’s current policy only allows the maximum rate to be exceeded if it’s at the conference location, not recommended hotels). Rate limits do apply for UW-sponsored conferences or events.
- Lodging rate maximums have changed; you can use the UW TravelWise website to find the new information.
- You must provide a copy of your folio with a zero-dollar balance from your hotel.
Booking Your Flight
- All airline reservations paid in full or part with UW Travel funds must be made with Fox World Travel, either with agents (608-710-4172 or 844-630-3853) or within the Concur self-booking tool. No other travel agent, web-based booking tool, or direct purchases from an airline will be reimbursed.
- If you book with a Fox World Travel agent either directly or by email, please use group code (ask Travel Coordinator) and your flight will be direct billed to the Travel Coordinator’s UW Purchasing Card. Flights need to be booked Monday-Friday.
- Option 1: Fox World Travel agents may be reached at (608) 710-4172 or (844) 630-3853, or by emailing
- Option 2: UW TravelWise self-booking tool. When using this option, you will have to pay personally and get reimbursed.
- All travelers are required to make air reservations using business travel dates, routes, schedules, and air carriers that provide the lowest rates. When additional travel days are added because the traveler elects to combine personal days with business travel, the traveler is responsible for any additional costs resulting from adding non-business travel days. You MUST include a comparison flight of the actual business travel (not personal travel) obtained from a Travel Incorporated Agent or Concur at the time of booking.
- All airline tickets must be purchased at the “lowest logical airfare” available at the time of booking. UW’s definition of “lowest logical airfare” is the least expensive fares, within the University’s price tolerance, for a non-refundable coach/economy ticket.
- For more information regarding UW Travel flight booking policies, please visit:
- The Travel Coordinator can pay directly for your registration with her Purchasing Card if you provide him with all necessary information needed to complete the registration.
- You can pay personally for registration and get reimbursed after the trip
Other Travel Information
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Meal Reimbursement / Per Diems
- Meals and incidental expenses (M&IE) will be paid or reimbursed on a per diem allowance basis, as defined by the federal government. The daily M&IE per diem allowance is additionally based on the location where the traveler spends the night. The rate for the last day of travel is based on the traveler’s location the night before his/her travel ended. Leave and return times are no longer required.
- Travelers are allowed 75 percent of the daily allowance on the first and last days of travel.
- Provided meals at a conference or meeting will be deducted from the per diem as a percentage (i.e., 20 percent deducted for a provided breakfast, 30 percent for lunch, 50 percent for dinner).
- Hotel complimentary breakfast and airline meals are not required to be deducted from the per diem amount.
- Travelers who are traveling during the day but have no overnight stay may claim a meal allowance of $15 per day. In accordance with IRS regulations and current practice, these allowances are tax reportable.
Vehicle Usage & Car Rental
- UW/VA Employees:
- It is preferred that you use a UW Fleet Vehicle for your travel.
- You are required to be an approved driver in order to claim mileage and parking with your personal vehicle. Visit the WI Fleet website to sign up/check to see if you are approved. Funding UA561000; VA employees’ supervisor is Mara Kieser.
- The General Services Administration (GSA) mileage rates of mileage rates of $0.67 for cars/trucks and $0.65 for motorcycles will be used. Roundtrip mileage 1000 miles (or more) must be supported by an airfare cost comparison obtained during the trip-planning process. All associated cost must be considered (e.g., additional nights’ lodging, per diem allowance) when determining the final reimbursement amount.
- If you are claiming mileage, please use Mapquest or Google maps to determine the mileage. Mileage must be from work place unless travel is on a non-work day (ie. Saturday or Sunday). Please attach the Mapquest or Google maps to your reimbursement.
Car Rental
When it is determined that a rental vehicle is the most cost-effective means of transportation, use of contract rental vehicle suppliers is required. Vehicle rentals are limited to compact/standard/intermediate vehicle classes unless there is a business need that requires a larger class of vehicle. Employees and students who are required to drive on University sponsored business must be authorized to drive by UW-Madison Risk Management prior to operating personal vehicles, rental vehicles or fleet vehicles.Contract Vendors
- The university participates in the Big Ten Alliance contract with Enterprise and National Car Rental and the State of Wisconsin (WSCA/NASPO) contract with Hertz. Use of the contract is required for employees and non-employees traveling on UW business who meet the minimum driving age of 18. All authorized university employees may use the contract for personal use, including insurance coverage.
- When Enterprise, National or Hertz do not serve the location of travel or when vehicles are not available, non-contracted vendors may be used.
Booking Methods
Employees and students must be prepared to provide UW identification and the university’s tax exempt wallet card to receive contracted rates and tax exemption. Vehicles may be reserved via the following methods:- Concur: The contract booking tool is accessible through UW TravelWIse. Contract vehicle rental rates are automatically applied when reservations are made in Concur.
Tax Exemption
- Business travel and purchases within the State of Wisconsin are Tax Exempt.
- Please see the Travel Coordinator for a wallet travel card OR you can download the exemption paperwork.
Reimbursement After Your Trip
Once you return from your trip, you can either enter your expenses directly in to the E-Reimbursement system (preferred) or work with your Travel Alternate. You should do either of these within one month of travel. Submission after one month could result in the employee being responsible for all travel costs. Watch the online tutorial for the E-Reimbursement System.
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E-Reimbursement Entry
Review process details (UW Business Services)
- Click on Access E-Reimbursement
- Click on Expenses button
- Click on Create Expenses Report
- Enter all necessary information on the General Information page (make sure to check the Accounting Defaults and correct if necessary)
- Then click either on Add Expense or Quick Fill
- Add Expense lets you enter your expenses one by one
- Quick Fill lets you select expenses for the whole trip (more of a pre-fill form)
- Once you have everything filled out, click on the Review and Submit button
- You can click on View Printable Report to easily check to make sure all expenses were entered
- When you are satisfied with your report, click on Submit and follow the prompts
Helpful Hints
- Purchasing card payments (registrations, airfare, etc) must be included and entered as a Prepaid Purchasing Card with a note in the description box with the card holders name.
- Dates are to be entered as the date on the receipt.
- Justification and Supporting Details
- No acronyms are allowed (AACP must be written out as American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy)
- Explain how the UW benefits from your travel. Only stating that you are attending a conference doesn’t necessarily benefit the UW. A brief explanation on how attendance applies to your research, teaching, etc. is acceptable
- Airport parking, change the expense location to Madison (if at Dane Cty Airport)